
As you may or may not be aware, NYCoin did NOT have an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) prior to launch in 2014, nor was it premined. As of January 2018, the NYCoin Community was founded and a new team of individuals took the reigns for Developement, Marketing, and Advertisement. These individuals volunteer their free time to work on NYCoin and gather community consensus.

Due to the lack of available funds, The NYCoin Team and Community members can only achieve set goals through generous donations. Goals such as Development, Advertisement, Marketing, and Exchange Listings. All donations go directly towards community goals. Below you can find our donation addresses and contribute as you see fit.

You can also donate via credit/debit and paypal at

Any and all donations are greatly appreciated, regardless of how small, and we thank you sincerely for your much needed assistance moving forward.

Marketing & advertising fund


Collected: 0 NYC

Donation Goal: 2,000,000 NYC / month

NYC Donation Address: RDFPhetnn9MSqsr6oDHNv3MRSDeNPG5CWX

Exchange listing fund


Collected: 0 NYC

Donation Goal: 10,000,000 NYC / month

NYC Donation Address: RJzFmnCVGJ7BXAPdEQFy6ypHhrV5z5rc5W

Development fund


Collected: 0 NYC

Donation Goal: 5,000,000 NYC / month

NYC Donation Address: RPx6Bfpunf3rjWtJbTegJ31aRBbTZh1VkS